; ====================================================== ; Display Date and Time for Joomla! - v2.3.9 (free version) ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; For Joomla! CMS (v3.x) ; Author: Web357 (Yiannis Christodoulou) ; Copyright Copyright (©) 2014-2023 Web357. All rights reserved. ; License: GNU/GPLv3, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ; Website: https:/www.web357.com ; Demo: https://demo.web357.com/joomla/date-time ; Support: support@web357.com ; Last modified: Thursday 04 January 2024, 02:13:04 AM ; ====================================================== ; Defaults MOD_DATETIME="Display Date and Time" MOD_DATETIME_XML_DESCRIPTION="A simple, easy and nice display of the current date and time using AJAX scripting. It includes various display formats to choose from based on your preference. It supports all countries date and time formats." ; Translation team TRANSLATED_BY="Translated by: Yiannis Christodoulou (Web357)" ; Headers MOD_DATETIME_HEADER_FRONT_END_TEXT="Add some text in front or at the end of datetime." MOD_DATETIME_HEADER_DATETIME_FORMAT="Customize the Date and Time" MOD_DATETIME_HEADER_STYLING="Styling" ; Parameters (Label, Description) MOD_DATETIME_FRONTTEXT_LBL="Front text" MOD_DATETIME_FRONTTEXT_DESC="Enter some text in front of the Date Time." MOD_DATETIME_ENDTEXT_LBL="End text" MOD_DATETIME_ENDTEXT_DESC="Enter some text after the Date Time." MOD_DATETIME_TIMEZONE_LBL="Select a timezone" MOD_DATETIME_TIMEZONE_DESC="You can use multiple copies of datetime module, from different time zones, to display the time from more than one Countries in one single page." MOD_DATETIME_DATEFORMAT_LBL="Date Format" MOD_DATETIME_DATEFORMAT_DESC="" MOD_DATEFORMAT_CUSTOM_DATE_FORMAT_LBL="Custom Date Format" MOD_DATEFORMAT_CUSTOM_DATE_FORMAT_DESC="Definition and Usage: http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_date_date.asp. Example: d, M Y. Leave the field blank for the chosen date format of the above field." MOD_DATEFORMAT_SEPARATOR_LBL="Date Format Separator" MOD_DATEFORMAT_SEPARATOR_DESC="Separators of the components (4 options: a) slash, b) dots, c) dashes, d) spaces)" MOD_DATETIME_BETWEEN_TEXT_LBL="Text between date and time." MOD_DATETIME_BETWEEN_TEXT_DESC="Enter a text between date and time." MOD_DATETIME_TIMEFORMAT_LBL="Time Format" MOD_DATETIME_TIMEFORMAT_DESC="" MOD_DATETIME_12OR24HOURSYSTEM_LBL="12 or 24 Hour System" MOD_DATETIME_12OR24HOURSYSTEM_DESC="" MOD_DATETIME_SHOW_LEADING_ZERO_FOR_HOURS_LBL="Show leading zeros
in two rows." MOD_DATETIME_DATETIME_IN_TWO_ROWS_DESC="The date and the time would be displayed in two different divs with the class '.mod_datetime_date' for the date, and '.mod_datetime_time' for the time." MOD_DATETIME_CUSTOM_CSS_LBL="Custom CSS" MOD_DATETIME_CUSTOM_CSS_DESC="Enter your custom CSS code and give style to the datetime module. Example: .mod_datetime { padding: 0; margin: 0; }" ; Options MOD_DATETIME_NONE="None" MOD_DATETIME_SELECT_DATE_FORMAT="Select the Date Format" ; Days MOD_DATETIME_MONDAY="Monday" MOD_DATETIME_TUESDAY="Tuesday" MOD_DATETIME_WEDNESDAY="Wednesday" MOD_DATETIME_THURSDAY="Thursday" MOD_DATETIME_FRIDAY="Friday" MOD_DATETIME_SATURDAY="Saturday" MOD_DATETIME_SUNDAY="Sunday" ; Months MOD_DATETIME_JANUARY="January" MOD_DATETIME_FEBRUARY="February" MOD_DATETIME_MARCH="March" MOD_DATETIME_APRIL="April" MOD_DATETIME_MAY="May" MOD_DATETIME_JUNE="June" MOD_DATETIME_JULY="July" MOD_DATETIME_AUGUST="August" MOD_DATETIME_SEPTEMBER="September" MOD_DATETIME_OCTOBER="October" MOD_DATETIME_NOVEMBER="November" MOD_DATETIME_DECEMBER="December" ; Other MOD_DATETIME_PM="pm" MOD_DATETIME_AM="am" ; Instructions MOD_DATEFORMAT_CUSTOM_DATE_FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS="
YYYY4 or 2 digit year (e.g., 2023)
YY2 digit year (e.g., 23)
QQuarter of the year (1-4)
MMonth (1-12)
MMMonth with leading zero (01-12)
MMMAbbreviated month name (e.g., Jan)
MMMMFull month name (e.g., January)
DDay of the month (1-31)
DDDay of the month with leading zero (01-31)
dDay of the week (0-6; Sunday is 0)
ddAbbreviated day name (e.g., Su)
dddShort day name (e.g., Sun)
ddddFull day name (e.g., Sunday)
HHour (0-23)
HHHour with leading zero (00-23)
hHour (1-12) for 12-hour clocks
hhHour with leading zero (01-12) for 12-hour clocks
mMinute (0-59)
mmMinute with leading zero (00-59)
sSecond (0-59)
ssSecond with leading zero (00-59)
ZOffset from UTC (+0200)
ZZOffset from UTC (+0200, -0400)