; Defaults PLG_SYSTEM_LOGINASUSER="System - Login as User" PLG_SYSTEM_LOGINASUSER_XML_DESCRIPTION="This plugin helps admin users to login to the front-end as a specific user. It is useful for websites where the admin user needs to check if a user can see their order(s) correctly, if a form was filled out correctly, or any issues with a user's personal details, etc. The Admin user will be accessing all this information as the external User in order to replicate any issues and assist the user." COM_LOGINASUSER="Login as User" ; Translation team TRANSLATED_BY="Translated by: Yiannis Christodoulou (Web357)" ; Labels and Descriptions for Parameters PLG_LOGINASUSER_ALLOWED_USERGROUPS_LBL="Allowed User Groups" PLG_LOGINASUSER_ALLOWED_USERGROUPS_DESC="Choose the User Groups that will be able to login as any User." PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGINSYSTEM_LBL="Login System" PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGINSYSTEM_DESC="Choose the login system, Joomla! core or K2. If you select K2, note that the parameter 'Enable K2 User Profile' in K2 settings must be enabled. The default option is 'Joomla'." PLG_LOGINASUSER_JOOMLA_LBL="Joomla!" PLG_LOGINASUSER_K2_LBL="K2" PLG_LOGINASUSER_EXTENDEDREG_LBL="ExtendedReg" PLG_LOGINASUSER_SHOW_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_LBL="Show a success message" PLG_LOGINASUSER_SHOW_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_DESC="A message is displayed at the frontend when an Admin is successfully logged as a User." PLG_LOGINASUSER_SUCCESS_MESSAGE="You have successfully logged in as the User: %s (%s)." PLG_LOGINASUSER_INFORM_ADMIN_LBL="Inform Admin via Email" PLG_LOGINASUSER_INFORM_ADMIN_DESC="Send a message to Admin, to inform that a user logged in from backend, through 'Login as User' plugin." PLG_LOGINASUSER_ADMIN_EMAIL_LBL="Admin's Email" PLG_LOGINASUSER_ADMIN_EMAIL_DESC="Enter Admin's Email address. Example: info@yourdomain.com. If you leave this field blank, the default email from global configuration will be used." PLG_LOGINASUSER_URL_REDIRECT_TYPE_AFTER_LOGIN_LBL="URL Redirection type
(after login as a User)" PLG_LOGINASUSER_URL_REDIRECT_TYPE_AFTER_LOGIN_DESC="Enter the URL, or choose a Menu Item that the Admin will be redirected to, in front-end, after a successful login as a specific User." PLG_LOGINASUSER_URL_REDIRECT_TYPE_AFTER_LOGIN_LINK_OPTION="Redirect to a custom Link" PLG_LOGINASUSER_URL_REDIRECT_TYPE_AFTER_LOGIN_MENU_ITEM_OPTION="Redirect to a menu item" PLG_LOGINASUSER_URL_REDIRECT_LBL="Enter a custom URL
to be redirected after login" PLG_LOGINASUSER_MENUITEM_REDIRECT_DESC="" PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGIN_AS_TYPE_LBL="Display the «Username»
or «Name» on the button" PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGIN_AS_TYPE_DESC="Choose which string will be displayed on the \"Login as User\" button. For example \"Login as «john357»\" (username), or \"Login as «Yiannis Christodoulou»\" (name)." PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGIN_AS_TYPE_USERNAME_OPTION="Username (default)" PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGIN_AS_TYPE_NAME_OPTION="Name" PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGIN_AS_TYPE_CHARACTERS_LIMIT_LBL="Show only the first X characters
of the «Username/Name»" PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGIN_AS_TYPE_CHARACTERS_LIMIT_DESC="Show only the first X characters of the Username/Name, on the 'Login as...«Username/Name»' button. For example, if you choose the option 5 (the five first characters of the string), the button will be displayed as \"Login as «john3...»\" if the username is \"john357\", or it will be displayed as \"Login as «Yiann...»\" if the name is \"Yiannis Christodoulou\"." PLG_LOGINASUSER_LOGIN_AS_TYPE_CHARACTERS_LIMIT_ALL_OPTION="Show all the characters (default)" PLG_LOGINASUSER_CUSTOM_CSS_LBL="CSS Overrides
table td.login_as_user a {
   border: 2px dotted orange;
}" PLG_LOGINASUSER_CUSTOM_CSS_DESC="Enter your custom CSS for the 'Login as User' text." PLG_LOGINASUSER_DISPLAYED_TEXT_LBL="Displayed Text" PLG_LOGINASUSER_DISPLAYED_TEXT_DESC="Enter your preferred displayed text. E.g. Login as %s »... or Login as User »... or Login as Client »... etc. Notice that the variable %s is equal with the Username of User." ; Web357 Framework parameters PLG_LOGINASUSER_PERMISSIONS_FIELDSET_LBL="Assign multiple Admins to specific User Groups" PLG_LOGINASUSER_USER_GROUP="user group" PLG_LOGINASUSER_USER_GROUP_NOTE="Choose the Admins who can use the LOGIN AS USER functionality for this User Group. <br>Leave the field blank if you want to allow every Admin to login as any user in this User group." PLG_LOGINASUSER_ENABLE_FOR_THIS_USERGROUP_LBL="Enable Login as User
for this User Group" PLG_LOGINASUSER_ENABLE_FOR_THIS_USERGROUP_DESC="You can enable or disable the 'Login as User' functionality for this User Group." PLG_LOGINASUSER_SELECT_ADMINS_LBL="Select Admins" PLG_LOGINASUSER_SELECT_ADMINS_DESC="Assign multiple Admins to specific User Groups. Choose the Admins who can login as any User in this User Group." ; Other PLG_LOGINASUSER_INSTALLED="The Login as User joomla! plugin has been installed successfully!" PLG_LOGINASUSER_AUTO_MESSAGE="This is an automatic informative message from 'Login as User' system joomla! plugin." PLG_LOGINASUSER_STOP_NOTIFICATIONS="There is an option at joomla backend, if you want to disable these notification emails." PLG_LOGINASUSER_ADMIN_LOGGED_IN="An admin has logged in successfully with username" ; Inform admin via email (subject, body) PLG_LOGINASUSER_EMAIL_SUBJECT="An Admin has been logged in successfully with the User: \"%s\" on the site: %s" PLG_LOGINASUSER_EMAIL_BODY="This is an automatic informative message from 'Login as User' system joomla! plugin.

There is an option in the \"Login as User plugin settings\", if you want to disable these notification emails."